
News - archive


Exhibition ELMIA Sweden

From 10 to 13 May 2022 ELMIA Svets Jönköping Sweden takes place, our booth no. 07.16 is located in hall A. With a compact system of RTE 400 series equipped, togehter with some new developments, we are part of this event too!

We are looking forward to numerous visitors on our booth.

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Robot-assisted grinding completes the automated manufacturing process of railway bogies

As an important component of the bogie of rail vehicles, the production process of side and cross members is complex and process control is strict. The bogie not only is a key component of vehicle bearing and transmission, but also an important guarantee for the safe operation of the vehicle. Most structures are welded from steel plates, which requires a lot of grinding to deal with residual stresses after welding and places high demands on the accuracy of the components.

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Lower Austrian Innovation Award 2021 - igm Robotersysteme AG receives a certificate of recognition

For more than 30 years, the “Karl Ritter von Ghega Prize” has been awarded as part of the Lower Austrian Innovation Prize. The public award by the province of Lower Austria, supported by the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, promotes local companies that are increasingly focusing on innovation and research.

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igm flexible manufacturing system (FMS) geared up for 1300 subway bogies per year at Hebei Jingche Rail Transit Vehicle Equipment Co., Ltd.

In November 2017, the Beijing Rail Transit Technology and Equipment Group established the company Hebei Jingche Rail Transit Vehicle Equipment Co., Ltd.

In only two years, their company built up a latest state of the art railway vehicle factory, located in Baoding City. The factory covers a construction area of about 470,000m², which is the size of app. 66 FIFA football fields.

The factory of Hebei Jingche Rail Transit Vehicle Equipment Co., Ltd. is home to an igm bogie FMS with a capacity of 1300 subway bogies per year on a two shift basis.

The igm bogie FMS was delivered in 2020 and covers a workshop area of 200 m in length and 25 m in width. 

The FMS line was a turn-key project for igm and included design, line layout, development of fixtures, supply of all equipment and commissioning up to hand over to the customer.


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Tube node welding system at Salzgitter Mannesmann Renewables GmbH

Salzgitter Mannesmann AG is a broad-based steel and technology corporation.

As part of the Salzgitter Mannesmann Group, Salzgitter Mannesmann Renewables GmbH specifically coordinates the activities of the Group's own steel producers, pipe and profile manufacturers, as well as the Group's own research institute in the field of offshore wind, in particular in the manufacturing of preliminary products for jacket construction.

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Customer Reference Hungary – SBS Kft.

SBS Kft. is a Hungarian private company and produces various steel components for leading international manufacturers of agricultural, construction and earthmoving machines.

SBS Kft. welds assemblies for the production of underframes, brackets and other steel components. Several igm robot systems for automated production of parts are installed in the production halls in Erdőtelek:

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igm 25 ton rotary tilting turn table - the powerful manipulator for large parts

At the beginning of February 2021, igm Robotersysteme AG delivered a unique robot system, the special feature about this system is the matchless workpiece manipulator.

In addition to the main components such as the igm welding robot of the RTE 476 series with K6 robot control, which is mounted on a RST column with rotary cantilever arm, the 25 ton rotary tilting manipulator is the most impressive part of this automation system.

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New demonstration plant at igm headquarters Wiener Neudorf

Since November 2020, the demonstration hall at the igm headquarters has been adorned with a new demonstration system, painted in the new bold standard colours. As with the previous system, the basic configuration is a TLA3 system with a longitudinal-, cross-, and vertical slide. The workpiece periphery with an L-manipulator combined with a tailstock on a motorized floor track is also very similar to the previous robot system. However, from a technical point of view, the new system plays all the pieces and is equipped with all current developments that igm has to offer.

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100 years of robots

Exactly 100 years ago, on January 25th, 1921, the word "robot" was mentioned in public for the first time. It comes from the play R.U.R. - Rossum’s Universal Robots by Karel Capek. Capek (1870-1938) was a writer from the Czech Republic, then part of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy.

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igm Advent Calendar

Time has come, pre-christmas season has just begun! In order to show a little variety in these turbulent times, we would like to present the igm advent calendar – every day a door opens, we hope you enjoy discovering igm products!

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COVID-19: current actions @ igm Robotersysteme AG


Dear valued business partners!
As we also follow the developments around the corona virus very closely we would like to inform you about our current actions for handling this unique situation.
It is our top priority on the one hand to guarantee the health and safety of our employees and on the other hand to continue to offer you the usual service and high-quality products.

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